A Clan Of All Animals

Hello, and welcome to Misty Cove! Here, we operate like the Warrior's books, but, we are all kinds of animals. Not just cats, or wolves, or whatever. :) You can pick what animal you wish to be, and reside here! ~This is just a test to see how a clan of different animals would work.~

Member's Den

Here we can write stories about the Members.


  1. I woke up, and i was in a different nest. Actually, a different den. This whole place smelled different. I looked around. "Misty Cove" was scratched all over the walls. I guess this is what this place is called.
    I walked outside, and there were different animals. Not just cats, which i am used to. There were snakes, owls, foxes, wolves, a hawk here too. I looked above me. Trees. All around.
    An owl came up to me, and he asked me, "Excuse me, I'm Aries. Do you know where we are?"
    I looked at him. He seemed noble. "Uhh... No. I don't."
    Thats when the commotion got out.
    "You mean we have no idea where we are?"
    "What about my family?"
    "Oh, no! I had pups! Theyre back at the burrow!"
    I climbed ontop of my den, which was surprisingly sturdy.
    "EVERYONE, JUST CALM DOWN! Now, i have no idea why were here. Maybe Starclan sent us on a mission, or a test."
    "What's Starclan?"
    "I believe it's like Moonpack."
    "Oh, like Highflock?"
    I started again, "Yeah, just where ever you go if youre a good spirit and you die. Just...Maybe we are here for a certain purpose."
    Aries stepped next to me. "Yeah, either way, we need to learn to survive here. But first things first; I think this cat here should be our leader. What is your name?"
    "Oh! Umm...Skystar?"
    "Skystar it is then!"
    "No no no, I can't be leader-"
    "But you just took charge of all these animals."
    "But...Then you have to by my third-string!"
    "What's that?" He cocked his head.
    "It's a expression i heard before. It's like my second leader. incase i die or something."
    An annoyed snake broke the conversation: "So, now what?"
    I Stood my ground. "Well, now we learn how to live here. Let's go explore the territory."

  2. "I don't agree."
    It was the sound of a sly, but soft voice.
    Skystar spun around to see a beautiful, young, red fox.
    'Clever animals... foxes... be careful of her.' Skystar instantly thought.
    "I'm Falico. I have no idea what's going on, but I don't like it. I want to go back to my troop, if you please." Her rough voice startled the other animals. "Exploring the territory doesn't sound good. I'm not sure if you know, but foxes' greatest enemies are golden eagles, bobcats, snakes, bears, red tailed hawks, rough legged hawks, and much worse. I INSIST on not traveling with those animals of those kind. I can stand the cat, but no other animal." Falico said, tossing her long red mane to one side.

  3. "Look, we get it. You just want to go back home. We all do." I heard from the side. The fox and i turned our heads. It was that angry snake again. He slithered up to us, we both kinda took a step back.
    "Oh, please. Yeah, like biting you would help our situation."
    Falico growled lowly.
    I broke the arguement, "That's why i suggested that we work together. So we can all find our way back home. and whats your name?"
    "Aspen. It's a kind of tree."
    "I suppose she knows what it is, mousebrain. She doesn't smell like she was raised by two-legs." Falico retorted.
    "Whatever." Aspen slithered out of the clearing.
    "Well, maybe we wont be seeing more of him."
    Aries popped back in, "But we have no clue."

  4. I shrugged.
    "Why does it matter where we came from or where were going?" I asked impatienly. "All that matters is that we're here together, right now. Some of the other animals nodded in agreement. I turned to Skystar, since she was my leader now.
    "Should I survey the territory and report back?" Skystar nodded, and began to control the chaos. I took flight.
    Flying. Theres nothing better.
    The territory seemed to be spread out in a rough triangle in three sections along each border. The rocky terrain to my left wing tip ended with a drop in the rocks, about ten wing-spans down. A place with thick trees ended in a wide, shallow stream. The last bit was a sort of sharp rise in the ground, grassy and long. I went to make my report.


  5. I didn't want to stay here. Those silly animals. Does that cat really think she can manage all of them? I saw a giant beastly thing that had stripes and a mane. What the heck was that?I didn't know where i was slithering to. Away from there. And that stupid fox-"But a fox's greatest enemies are bears and snakes and bobcats and-" Pfft. Really. Man up. I came across a rocky field. That seemed more like home. I found a crevice and slid myself into that. Maybe i should practice hibernation. ~Aspen

    All i could think about was my family. What would my mate do without me? Would she hunt? And then who would watch the chicks? My god, I need to get back home. As soon as possible. I mean, i was a meal to some of these creatures. Ive seen cats and foxes eat my kind before. This was scary. How could Highflock do this to me? Did I know anyone here? No. ...Maybe I just need to fight through. I flew over to the leader cat, i don't remember her name.
    She looked my way."Yes?"
    "Should some of us go hunting or something?"
    "Yeah, that's a good idea. Take that komodo dragon and the wolf there with you."
    Weren't komodo dragons poisonous?
    "Alright." I flew over to the komodo dragon. "Hey, the leader just told us to go hunt."
    "Oh, ok. Andyonde delse?"
    What. Did. He. Just-
    "He was asking if there was anyone else." The large grey wolf came over to us. I cowered the slightest.
    "Oh, yeah, it was you."
    "Oh, cool. Lets go." The wolf left swiftly and i flew high. The komodo dragon called, "Dwait! I'm nod dat fasd!"
    It would take some time to get used to that. ~Elwakeno

  6. Falico lifted her head high.
    "I don't hunt with other animals." She said arrogantly, sniffing the air. "I hunt alone. And for the record, some of YOU animals are my prey."
    The animals shrunk back.
    "Seriously Foxy," Said Elwakeno, giving Falico a new nickname, "eating the others won't help."
    "At least it'll get me in charge." Hissed Falico. She raced out for some food.

  7. Jovanni rolled his eyes and seemed to emerge from thin air when actually he was just sitting still in the shadows.
    "you ALL are my prey. except that thing whatever it is." he growls flicking his night black tail at the liger. everyone immediately jumped back. "not like i'd you right now. anyway, listen to the cat. she knows what shes doing. the fox? shes as good as dead if she keeps actin like that." he snarls standing back up. "if i catch any of you disobeying orders your dead. again, except for maybe that thing." On that happy note jovanni walked out of camp and saw a grove of trees. he almost instinctively ran and leaped into its branches. "he was going to like it here," he thought. "if that arrogant fox shut up anyway."

  8. Aries settled on a branch directly above Skystars head. She flicked her tail at me as if giving me permission to speak.
    "We're trapped in a triangle here." I described the sides, our border, briefly. Every animal seemed to find some attraction in at least one bit of the territory.
    "We seem to be in the heart of the area now." said Skystar thoughtfully. The place seemed fit for a camp. Skystar began to get us organized, arranging dens and such.


  9. A sleek white fox stepped to the front of the crowd.
    "Everyone! Listen!" Mist howled. "I know most of us are scared or unhappy about being here,but until we can figure out how to get home,(if we ever do. She thought)we need to get along. And Falico,if you dont like us here,you can always leave." Mist groled to the red fox on the other end of the clearing.


  10. Jovanni raised his eyebrows. he had a newfound respect for this one.
    "i think we all need to shut up and figure out what to do!!!" he roars, everyone instantly falls silent.
    "what do you want us to do." he growls to skystar.
    "take another hunting patrol. take mist and falico." she mews, flicking her tail.
    Jovanni showed no emotions as he walked to the entrance and turned.
    "mist. falico. your with me. we're going hunting." falicos name comes out in a snarl as he walks out of camp.

  11. Mist and Jovanni went hunting together,leaving Falico to hunt by herself. They couldn't stand
    her very presence.
    "How badly does Falico annoy you?" Jovanni asked.
    "I'm suprised I haven't shredded her pelt yet. You?" Mist replied.
    "Same." Jovanni said. "We should start hunting."
    "Then let's get moving."


  12. Jovanni waited in silence for the crow he was watching to come just alil bit farther when it took off but before it could get too high up he leaped and batted it to the ground again where mist quickly finished it off.
    "im surprised it didnt see you." he remarked as he was locating another piece of prey.
    "me too. it mustve been blind." mist replied shrugging. Jovanni nods and runs after a rabbit and brings it down and kills it in one swift movement of one of his massive paws.
    "lets go find falico and head back to camp. hopefully her highness caught something." he says with a smile.

  13. (Argh, ill add this now-)
    I suddenly realized something. What if someone here was pregnant? Ir had a serious injury?
    I stepped up ontop of my den again. "Does anyone here have medical training?"
    But, that wouldn't work because there were all kinds of animals. Maybe a mammal bones, a reptile bones, and a bird bones.
    "We need one for mammals, reptiles, and birds."
    (I figured if Wolfstar or Dawnlight or Dragonwing or Featherheart or Willowfoor wanted to join, they could do this.)

  14. Mist and Jovanni padded back to Misty Cove, seeing Falico sitting right where they left her.
    Sitting and grooming herself.
    "YOU ARROGANT,SELF ABSORBED FLEA-BRAIN! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HUNTING!" Mist howled. "Do you even care that we've hunted to keep you from starving?"
    "Get your lazy butt up,and dont come back until you get something to feed yourself,because we're not not doing it." Jovanni growled.
    The two headed into camp,dropping their prey at the fresh-kill pile.


  15. I'm going to have pups.


  16. The camp finally seemed to be settling down. Everyone had a den, the camp looked safe enough. The fresh-kill pile filled up fast, and everybody was hungry. I was in the den with Skystar.
    "What should we do with the fox, anyways?" I asked casually.
    "Teach her a lesson." said Skystar, lashing her tail, "Whatever happens, we all have to get along." I nodded in agreement.
    "Look." added Skystar, "I need you to watch them, and if anyone argues or fights anymore, I want to hear about it. We have to work together. Do you understand?"
    "Yes, I know Skystar." I assured her.
    "I'll need you to help organize patrols, Aries." I nodded again.
    "Whatever happens, this has to work. I think it can. We can work together. All of us." Skystar's eyes sparkled with the thrill of her newfound leadership. I saluted her with my wing and she purred at me.
    "Well, time for my night hunt." I said, glancing up at the rising moon.
    She gaped at me.
    "Do you ever sleep?"
    "Here and there." I answered. The moon was calling and I took off.


  17. I woke up in my crevice still. Being a snake had it's advantages, only having to eat once a week. Now was time, i thought. I slithered out and went into the bushy area behind me.
    I saw a heartbeat. There. In the ground. It's getting softer. and it was tiny. Not too much warmth. A mouse falling asleep, i guess. I located a hole and slowly went inside. A family of them. Score.
    I aimed for the plump mother, and quickly dashed at her neck. Killed in one bite. Swallowed in record time. The male got away, but he was scrawny anyway. I came out of the hole, and found that dawn was approaching.
    I was headed back to my crevice to warm up, but then i remembered: that camp was still there. Should i check on them? No, they didn't need me, and i didn't need them. I could find my own way back home.

  18. Me and the wolf came back to camp. I had 3 mice, he had 3 rabbits. We dropped them in the fresh-kill pile. It seemed all the dens were assembled. But i was a bird, so where would i sleep?
    And then Skystar went up on her den and said, "Ok, we have assembled dens. Mammals and reptiles will sleep in that den next to the fresh-kill pile. Mammals and reptiles under 12 moons will sleep in that one next to the the first one. For the birds, if you don't want to sleep in dens, there seems to be a bunch of trees hanging over us. You can perch there."
    The wolf asked me, "wait, wheres the komodo dragon?"
    "Pfft, he's probably still in the forest." We laughed silently. I flew up to a high branch, directly above the camp. I gathered some loose twigs and moss, tried to assemble a nest. I was never good at this kind of thing, it was my mate that was a skilled nest maker. When i finished, it didn't look nice. At all. But, i was going to deal with it.

  19. I ate the kill I got. I just, well, just wasn't used to eating the food other animals caught. It just felt too much like stealing. I watched the hawk, Elwakeno I think, was his name, settle in a sloppy nest. I was perplexed. Couldn't he just roost on a branch? In a hollow of a tree? I was going to have to show. I flew up behind him, obviously starting him.
    "Wha-?" he got out.
    "Need a bit of help there?"


  20. Falico snarled as she ripped out the mouse's juicy fat body.
    Elwakeno stared at her with a raised eyebrow.
    "Skystar! I have a problem. I don't sleep with the other mammals and reptiles! We sleep alone! Where's my den? Who's going to make it for me?" The arrogant red fox pranced here and there asking silly questions.

    Jovanni scowled, his black head looking fiercely at the fox.
    "Look here, FOXY." He snarled. "You either MAKE your own nest or sleep in the provided one!! We're all sick of you!"
    Skystar looked gratefully at the black cat.

  21. Jovanni shrugged and laid down in his own nest. If that fox didnt shut up soon he was going to shut her up himself. and that, wasnt going to be a pleasant thing for anyone;especially for falico.
    "and if you dont want to get your paws dirty making your own then too bad. noones making it for you. so SHUT UP!!!" he roars, bearing his fangs;glinting in the half light as he laid his head on his paws and curled his tail around himself. Falico didnt complain once more that night.
    The next day jovanni heaved himself to his paws and gave an enormous yawn as he emerged into the early dawn of the new day.
    "do you want to me to take out another patrol?" he asked aries as the owl glided on silent wings to perch above skystars den.
    "yes. take elwakeno and mist." aries replies nodding to the black cat.
    "right. mist! elwakeno! wer going hunting again. maybe this time we'll bring back more prey." he roars, walking to the entrance and waiting for his patrol to catch up.

  22. Crystal's ears layed back.
    "Wait! I'll come too!"
    She ran off to catch up as well.
    - Crystal

  23. Jovanni looked back and saw the leopard running up.
    "come on then. mist, you take the rocky area over there. elwakeno, try over by those bushes. crystal, u can take those trees over there by that pile of rocks. i'll take the trees over here." he said, running off to the grove of trees he had found the day before.

  24. Crystal obeyed Jovanni. She hoped they could become great friends.
    Right away she saw a rabbit and went to go chase after it.
    - Crystal

  25. *Alaqua pads near them but they cant see her bc she is hiding under a layer of mist*ill never get the nerve to talk to any of them, she thinks to herself, her shyness gettin the best of her

  26. Jovanni saw a crow and lunged before it even knew what was happening. He then began searching for more prey. Soon he had 2 rabbits, 2 mice, and a crow. Satisfied with his catch he went back to the rendezvous point where they had split up. Elwakeno was already there with 3 mice. He seemed to jump a little at jovannis sudden appearance. Jovanni suppressed a bark of laughter and instead laid his prey down and waited for the others.

  27. I saw a group come in. There was one wolf, there in the back. She had wings. Wow. And i heard murmurs that she had medical training. I walked up to her.
    "Hi! Youre wings are cool."
    She looked surprised that i was talking to her. "Thanks. Im Alaqua."
    "Skystar. Ive heard that youve had medical training?"
    "Oh, yes, lots back at the mountains."
    "Great. Would you like to be the medical supervisor here? You can get youre own den to stretch out those wings." Maybe i shouldnt be talking about them so much. I wasn't sure if she was proud of them or embarrassed.
    "Alright, show me it, please."
    "Great. Follow me." I padded to the one den in the corner of the camp, it had lots of room, and the beds were already assembled.
    "This'll do nicely."
    "Will you need ay help gathering herbs?"
    "I'll ask around."

  28. Jovanni and his patrol came back into camp and set their prey on the pile. He caught sight of the winged wolf and snorted before laying down to eat in a sunny spot. Everyne basically kept clear of him while he ate except for alaqua, he thought that was her name anyway.
    "hi. im alaqua." she said shyly.
    "so i've heard. im jovanni as im sure youve heard." he replied swallowing.
    Was that a small smile he saw? maybe. it was gone as soon as it was there.
    "i was wondering if you would like to help me gather herbs." she continued, tentatively as he stripped a bone clean of meat in one clean grind of his teeth.
    "sure. am i the only one coming?" he asked standing.
    "no. mist is coming as well."
    "lead on then. unless you have anyone else in mind." he answered gesturing with one of his massive paws for her to lead the way out of camp.

  29. Crystal strutted over, her beautiful coat shining off of Jovanni's black coat. She yawned.
    "I'll come too." She said.

  30. "ok." he shrugged. He couldnt care less of who was coming as long as they got a move on. he wanted to get a nap in befor sundown so he could go night hunting. "lets go then."
    Alaqua lead the way and soon they came across a patch of yarrow.
    "if u see any patches of this, take some. we need it." alaqua directed taking a bushel in her mouth. Jovanni nodded and noticed crystal looking at him. He shrugged it off. Later they came back into camp with yarrow, coltsfoot, and borage. After he set down the herbs where alaqua had told him to he settled down in the sun again and began to doze off.

  31. *Alaqua looks at the animals who helped her thank you all *Jovanni smiles* no prob Alaqua!
    *Alaqua begins sorting herbs by herself and her wing accidently knocks over a pile of blackberry leaves* whoops! i can be soo ditsy sometimes

  32. It was nearing nighttime and most of us slept. I stayed awake in my den, thinking of what was going to happen to us. What COULD happen to us. What WOULD happen to us. Was this place safe? Would we have a drought? Or a complete freeze? No, it was far too humid here for a freeze. And the scariest thought came to my mind: How were we all going to get back?
    Aries walked in. "Ahh... Hey, are you becoming a night owl?" He laughed at his little joke. I was surprised that he wasn't offended by owl jokes.
    "No, i just couldn't sleep."
    "Right." He jumped over to me. We sat for some time.
    I broke the silence with, "How do you think we can get back?"
    "I'm not sure. My sister probably isn't doing well."
    "And my mate and son...Well, actually, they are both pretty strong."
    "Ugh," I got up and started pacing. "But, i really wonder what's going to happen to us here."
    "I think that's what everyone here is thinking."
    "Ha, good point." I yawned. "Ok, im gonna get some sleep. Youre going hunting, right?"
    Aries started to walk towards the entrance of the den. "Yeah, that's kind of my thing." And he flew off. I laid down in my nest, and fell asleep thinking of Falconclaw and Loudpaw.

  33. Mist padded into the medicine den,watching Alaqua
    sort lots of herbs,and many more that haddn't been messed with.
    "Would you like some help with that?" Mist asked.
    "I need something to do,since I can't sleep."
    "That would be nice,thank you." Alaqua said.
    "And I just wanted to give you a heads-up that I'm expecting pups in a few days." Mist remarked.
    "Congradulations Mist." Alaqua replied.
    They spent the night sorting herbs and getting to know eachother better. By dawn,they were becoming good friends.


  34. *Alaquas sensitive ears prick up at the conversation* what wer they talkin about? gettinig back? to where? she thinks to herself. i have never had a home. she thinks sadly, aand when she thinks of it, she cant even remember what her parents looked like. a silver tear trickled down her face to the edge o her nose and plummeted to the stone floor, i bet they have animals tht love them, who care about them, while i have no one*buries her face in her paws waiting for sleep to come but it doesnt

  35. (oh snap forget tht last post i put lol)*smiles at mist* so r u exited about pups?

  36. Jovanni stretches and had also heard the conversation. 'what home. this is the first home that ive had since i was driven off of my own territory.'he thought bittterly. He saw aries overhead and ran on silent paws out of camp for his occasional night hunt.When he got back he dropped his 3 rabbits and 2 crows on the pile and went inside the members den where he found crystal lying awake.
    "what were you doing? its almost dawn!" she hissed.
    "night hunting. and i know its almost dawn. thats why im back." he whispers curling up in his nest and closing his eyes.

    The following day Jovanni got out of the den and gave an enormous yawn as he stretched.

  37. "Skystar?" I asked. "Are you awake?"
    "I am now." Skystar sighed. "Who are you?"
    "I'm Splash, head wolf of my pack. Well, not anymore. Anyway, Falico kicked all of the animals out of the 12 moons and younger den. She told them that if they didn't get out, she would eat them. And I think she ment that."
    "I'm coming." Skystar sighed and heaved herself to her paws. She padded out of her den and headed toward the 12 moons and under den.

  38. JOvanni having heard that ran after skystar soon catching up to her.
    "she went to far on this one. how are you going to handle her?" he growls.
    "i dont know yet." skystar replies entering the 12 moons and younger den. "falico! leave the den." When falico emerges shes acting just like her arrogant self.
    "yes? what do you want?" the red fox asks playing innocent.
    "you know what! make your own den!!" skystar growls.
    "she doesnt want to get her paws dirty." sneered jovanni.
    "thats it. the perfect punishment!" cries skystar. "jovanni, you will be the first one to make sure falico works on making her own den. i will send another animal to relieve you of your post by sunhigh." Jovanni smiles and twitches an ear before replying.
    "the pleasures all mine." he snarls dragging the arrogant flea brain over to a suitable place. "well start digging." he growls lashing his night-black tail.

  39. "AHHHHHHHHH!!! NO!!!!"
    I woke to a horrified yowl coming from outside the den.
    "What was that, Splash?" Mist asked me.
    "I have no idea," I replied. "It sounded like some one got killed!"
    We ran outside to see Falico standing in the middle of the clearing.
    "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" She yowled again
    "Falico! what's wrong?" I asked.
    "I chipped my claw! AHHHHHHHH!! NO!!!!!!"

  40. *Alaqua peeks outta her den* the poor thing she thinks to herself kindly. im sure she probably just needs a friend, then maybe she wouldnt be so mean...*she tentitavly pads up to Jovanni and Falico* i- i could help her dig the den- i-if she wants.... Jovanni just snorted* she needs to dig her own den! *Alaqua flinches* i-im sorry i just thot...

  41. *glares at jovanni* "I'm sure Falico would be grateful for Alaqua's help" Splash said.
    Jovvanni snorted and walked awyay, tail lashing.
    "It's okay, alaqua. you can ask her if you want." Splash said kindly.

  42. O-ok, thank you *goes over to Falico* (is Splash a boy or girl?)

  43. (k)*looks at splash and smiles * Whats your name? *she barks quietly

  44. "its her punishment. not yours, wolfy." he growls sitting down not far from the den site. He felt no regret for what he said. Moons of living on his own had done that. anyway, she was a wolf. wolves and himself NEVER ended well.
    "falico! keep digging! your not dying from a chipped claw." he snarls rolling his eyes at the foxes whimpers and growls as she continued to dig.

  45. "I'm Splash," Splash whispered to Alaqua. "And your Alaqua, the healer, right?"

  46. Im sorry*she baks, not quite sure what to do* can i got get something for her claw.... it cud get infected.... *Jovanni rolls his eyes* fine if u must

  47. *Alaqua nod to Splash* yep, thts me.

  48. "Do you need some help getting stuff for Falico's claw?" Splash asked. "I could help you search for herbs if you don't have what you need."

  49. "just dont pamper the arrogant fleabrain. she can learn to deal with it like the rest of us have." he snarls, snorting and turning his back on the timid healer. 'keep your calm. the last thing you need is to get kicked out of the first home youve had in moons.' he repeats in his head a coupl times as he watches the fox.

  50. *nods* thank you Splash *Splash nods happily* *they pad off to the med den and apper a moment later withsome cobwebs (lol alot of fuss over a broken claw lol )

  51. (lol ikr!)Falico takes one look at the cobwebs and runs over, jovanni right behind her.
    "hey foxy! noone told you to stop. if you want to have a den tonight i suggest you GET BACK TO DIGGING." he growls his fangs glinting in the sun.
    "but im getting treated for my serious injury!!" she protests only to get cut off by a roar from jovanni.
    "what serious injury?! all i see is a chipped claw." he snarls, with raised eyebrows.

  52. "Stop being so rude, Jovanni. Chipped claws can hurt!" Splash growled.

  53. this will be quick *Alaqua barks and in one quick motion wraps up Falicos claw* i hope it feels better *she barks kindly*

  54. A growl rumbled in Jovanni's throat.
    Alaqua and Splash glare at him.
    Skystar walked out of her den. "What's going on?" she asked.
    "These two fox-hearts *nods at Alaqua and Splash*-"Offensive!" Falico whines- are babying the HER*nods atFalico*

  55. "just besause she chipped a claw. and i know it can hurt splash. ive had one before. but i toughed it out because i was in the middle of running from your KIND as they were driving me from my HOME!!" he roars lashing his tail behind him. He dug his claws in the earth to keep himself from shredding the 2 wolves pelts.
    "not that you would care considering you are one!!" he continues bearing his teeth.

  56. *Alaqua pads over and shows a gesture of kindness, she licks his ear* im Sorry that happened Jovanni, but we are differant from the wolves that drove you away,i hope you dont judge us for it

  57. *splash walks up beside alaqua*
    "we're not like that! we wouldn't drive anyone fromtheir territory just so we could have more."
    "Oh, really? what would you do if you're pups were starving, and the treeitory next to your's wa full of prey? Hmm? What would you do?" He stalked away before either wolf could answer.
    "He will get over it." alaqua sighed. "Right now when he looks at us, all he sees are the wolves who drove him from his home"

  58. -LOL I chipped my claw... you guys post A LOT!!!-

    Crystal was there all the time, watching Jovanni argue against the rest. Finally, she came over to him and roared her long, leopard, roar. Everything was silent.
    "LISTEN JOVANNI!" She snarled. "Alaqua and Splash just have a kind and loving heart, and they actually respect others! If you had ONE ounce of respect for anyone, you'd show it!" Crystal continued to growl. She turned to Falico.
    "Now YOU Falico, you are just rude to others! And arrogant!"
    Jovanni looked triumphant. So the aggressive leopard Crystal WAS on his side. He knew it. Jaguars went along with leopards. He admired her courage, too.
    After Crystal finished roaring at Falico, Falico lost her arrogance and began digging her home silently.

    "Gol-lee." Whispered Elwakeno. "Some cats have matching tempers."
    The other animals saw Crystal and Jovanni pad off together.

  59. "Crystal and Jovani...
    Sitting in a tree..."

    Falico muttered as she dug.

  60. *he snarls and flumps down in his usual spot with his back to the rest of the members. Right now he trying to regain control of his own body. which was rather hard, considering he had just got back from talking or arguing with 2 wolves. he tried to remember the memory that always calmed him down. it was before he even knew wolves existed, he was a cub. shardkit, (shardfang) and himself were playing as his mother talked with shardkits mother. this was not so far away from the day she was killed by poachers for her pelt. anyway, shardkit reared and squealed. "im a monster and im going to get you jovanni!!" he cried as jovanni laughed and ran. "youlll never catch me!" he yelled as he ran into a tree. "ow. im ok! wait. no im not. mom!"he cried as he ran one of his paws on his muzzle. "jovanni? are you ok?" it was shardkit. Jovanni had run into a thorn vine wrapped around the tree. to this day he still had the scar. That was one of his earliest memories, and soon he was calm again. He got up and walked with his head hanging low to the 2 wolves again.
    "sorry. about my outburst or whatever you want to call it." he said reluctantly. apolagizing wasnt one of his strong suits.
    "its ok. we understand." splash barked smiling.
    Jovanni merely nodded and sat down again.
    "falico! who told u to stop digging?!" he roars at the lounging red fox who at his words jumped up and began to dig favoring the left side due to her chipped claw.

  61. (whoops. lol ferget the last one i sent. i didnt read falicos post. heh. here we go all over again!) Jovanni twitched an ear in falicos direction and roared at her to shut up and work. He snagged a rabbit off the pile and floopped it own in front of him.
    "wanna share?" he asks, sitting down in his usual way with his tail around his paws.

  62. *Alaqua sits down and sighs* i dont think Jovanni likes me very much, she thinkssadly. *Splash pads up to her* you ok?" she asks
    oh yes fine" she barks in her quiet voice

  63. "Honestly Jovanni,just shut it. We know that Falico needed to learn a lesson,but you should ease up,because nobody has shown her any kindness
    since we all got here." Mist growled.
    "Tell Skystar the issue is fixed,and that Splash,Alaqua,and Mist are helping Falico with her den." Splash barked gingerly.
    "Sorry I've been so mean to you Falico. I hope you can forgive me." Mist said.
    "It's okay. I feel horrible the way I acted." Falico replied.
    "Oww!" Mist whined.
    "What's wrong?" Alaqua asked.
    "I think my pups are coming!"

  64. I heard that. It sent shivers to my spine. I ran over to the med. den, Alaqua had already put her in there.
    "Ahh..." Mist struggled for relief.
    "It's ok, just remain calm. Skystar, I need water."
    I quickly ran to the river, filled a large, circular leaf up and hurriedly went back to camp, trying not to spill. I came back only to hear Mist's cries. I delivered the leaf to Alaqua. "Good. Ok, she needs some space."
    I left the den. It would have been weird if I watched. I mean, I hadn't known these animals for too long. So, I just waited.

  65. *Alaqua pushs a branch over to her frind* here, bite this, it will help the pain.*Mist nods and pants exaustedly*

  66. *Splash walks in*
    "What's going on?"
    *Sees mist on the ground*
    "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked

  67. *Alaqua looks up and smiles* yes please, would you go get me tht pile of dark green leaves in that corner of the den? *she points to a somewhat messy pile of leaves in the corner*

  68. "umm..." Splash walked over to the pile of leaves. She nosed through them until she found the dark green leaves.
    "Are these them?" she asked, grabbing a mouthful of them.
    "yep," alaqua replied. "Bring them over here"
    Splash padded over to where mist lay.
    "Any moment now..." Alaqua barked.
    Mist let out a yowl of pain. The branch began to splinter in her jaws. A little pup slid out onto the ground.
    "lick him to keep him warm." Alaqua told Splash.
    Splash crouched down beside the pup and began to lick him, rememering her own pups.
    Alaqua ran a paw over Mist's belly.
    "Quite a few left," she said.

  69. She will need those leaves for streghth, it must be very tiring* looks sypathetically at mist* but things seem to be comin along just fine *smiles and takes a leaf* here mist eat this, itll give u streghth *Mist weakly takes the leaf

  70. Kuma watched from the shadows, but no one noticed. No one ever noticed her. She was a lone wolf. She didn't need anybody to notice.
    The winged wolf named Alaqua glanced behind herself. Then she took a double-take, but nothing was there.
    That was close, thought Kuma. She had turned into a shadow in the time between Alaqua had looked back, and then took a double-take.
    No one will ever know about me. Thought Kuma.

  71. "Another one coming!" Alaqua barks.
    Splash put the pup she was licking by Alaqua and grabbed the next one as it slid out.
    Mist growled in pain.
    Three pups later, Mist lay panting on the ground, five little pups squirming as they began to nurse.
    "What will you name them?" Splash asked Mist.

  72. *Alaqua feel a pricking on the back of her neck as if someone was watching them. he gentle green eyes bore into the shadows*
    "Splash." she barked
    what? Splash replied
    just.... watch out... i feel like someones.... watching us*then she looks at her paws feeling stupid* its probably nothing... sorry to bother u *Mist and Splash look at her curiously*

  73. "I've always liked the name Fog... I think that would be a perfect name for her." Mist barked, touching a little silver and black female pup on the head with her muzzle. "And... How about Willow for her?" she asked, lokking up at Alaqua and Splash but nudging the big white female pup with her paw. "I think that's a wonderful name, Mist." Alaqua encouraged the white wolf

    (she is a wolf, right? the background page says wolf, the Creatures of Misty cove page says fox. I'm confused!!).

    "Willow it is." Mist sounded happy. "And the big black pup will be Mystery," She said, gazing down at the black male pup. "Hmm..." she looked over at the little slivery-gray she-pup. "I know! I'll call her Moon! And... the gray she-pup will be Misty, after Misty Cove." she added, glancing down at the last pup.
    "Those are wonderful names, Mist!" Splash told her.
    "Congratulations!" Alaqua added.

  74. Jovanni snarled and twitched an ear before going back to lay down in his usual spot. Like anyone would care.
    "she doesnt know what hapened. and im not going to tell her either." he thought to himself. He got up and trotted inside the medicine den as mist named her newborn pups.
    "good names mist." he said dipping his head to her slightly. "you need anything alaqua." he continued, as the hairs on the back of neck began to rise. somebody else was in there. someone he couldnt see. and it bothered him.
    "anyone else feel that?" he asked, looking around. There. a blink. he saw a tiny movement and pounced. He came up short though, thankfully for kuma.
    "what was that?!" splash cries, instantly alert.
    "i dont know. but i know i missed it. its still here! i know it is! but i cant find where!" he growls in frustration. This was really beginning to irritate him.
    He swiped his paw through the air just in front of kumas snout waiting for a reaction. He was just about to snap his jaws when something stopped him. He didnt feel like someone else was in there anymore. it had left whatever it was.
    "i think its gone...." he trailed off as he turned to face alaqua. "you need anything else?"

  75. "What is going on?" Splash said worriedly. "Every one must be going crazy! I don't feel like there is any...one... " She broke off, the fur along her spine prickling.
    "See!" Alaqua exclaimed. "Do you feel it now?"
    "yeah! I do! there must be some one in here!" Splash said excitedly. they both look around the den, ,but don't see any thing.
    "I think you're both going crazy!" Mist laghued. "There is nobody there!"

  76. "there is." jovanni growled and sat back on his haunches and waited for what seemed like an hour before he finally lashed out and there was a soft thump as something hit the floor. He held it in place with his front paws.
    "what are you doing here?!" he growled.

  77. Well,I told Skystar I was an Arctic Wolf,but she told me the URL to my pic diddn't work. She said she found 3 Arctic fox pictures,and I just thought that was typed by mistake,but I guess not... Thanks for naming the pups,because I couldn't think of jack crap. I'll find a new URL
    to a WOLF so she can edit my character. But for now I'm known as Mist the fox.


  78. (ok, dude jovanni, u cant even see kuma, how could u pounce on her? lol)

  79. (lol idk! she moved!! gosh!!! ferget it then!!!! lol and i posted that yesterday and i forgot that she was a shadow wolf gawrsh. touchy.... lol) Jovanni snarls in irritation.
    "oh well. im going on a patrol if you guys need me." he says twitching an ear and leaving the den.

  80. (lol just sayin gawrshhh...... lol)*Alaqua opens her mouth to say somthin but then closes it*

  81. Jovanni trots up to crystal and elwakeno, who were waiting at the entrance.
    "ready?" he says.
    "yeah. lets go." crystal answers trotting out of camp. Elwakeno takes off and flies overhead.
    "ok then." jovanni mumbles running off to a grove of trees.

  82. (Hate to ask, but what's going on so I can start commenting?)

  83. (So, did Jovanni catch kuma or not?)

  84. (Hoolivia, just start adding to the story. It's fun!!)

  85. (aparently he didnt cuz apparently, i cant see her. o3o so nope he didnt. and yeah, hooliva you can just go ahead and jump in.)

  86. "I was so sure..." Splash murmered.
    "What?" Alaqua asked.
    "Nothing, I was just so sure there was someone in here..." Splash muttered.
    "I know! Maybe there is someone. Before you knew I was here, I was exploring the Cove, but I stayed out of sight. Maybe whoever we thought was watching us is to shy to come out!" Alaqua barked excitedly.
    "Hello?" she called into the corner of the den where they had sensed Kuma.
    "You can come out. We're not going to hurt you!"

  87. Jovanni came back a little bit later with his usuaal catch of a crow, a couple mice, and a couple rabbits. He laid them on the pile and took a rabbit to mist.
    "hi guys." he says

  88. "Hi, Jovvani," Splash said cautiosly. maybe they would turn out to be better friends then she had thought. "How's the prey running?" she asked, knowing this was something cats of all sizes said.

  89. Hooliva flew in carrying a mouse. "Hi guys. Sorry I didn't catch more, I wouldn't have been able to carry it." She landed and felt the strange feeling Splash had. "Is someone else here?"
    (Can they hear her? Because owls can hear heart beats but I'm not sure.)

  90. (when i'm in wolf form, i guess, but shadows don't have hearts, they're just forms.. so yes and no.)
    kuma sat at the edge of misty cove's camp. she growled at jovanni to herself; he almost caught.
    to bad for him i'm an escape artist! she thought. she shifted into a wolf. she had black fur with green swirls in it.
    kuma licked her lips as she saw the rabbits on the pile. she glanced at her thinning stomach. she could hunt for herself; she just was afraid she'd leave the remains somewhere, and they'd find out about her.
    she had a plan.
    kuma closed her eyes, and shape-shifted into a shadow. kuma took form as a bird's shadow, as if it we're blocking in the suns, fling in the sky.
    she moved forward to the pile. jovanni and hooliva looked up, sensing it again. kuma raced for the pile, grabbed a piece of prey, and sped off.
    no one had noticed. good. kuma stopped a ways from the camp near a small pond.she transformed to her wolf-state, and devoured the prey quickly, swmming in the pond to erase the scent.

  91. Jovanni shrugged.
    "not too bad for coldsun. did you know todays the very first sunrise of coldsun? where i come from we had a celebration sortta thing on the very first sunrise of coldsun, where the cubs would catch their first prey. noones allowed to help them. the cubs have to be at least 3 moons old. when they all came back we'd all roar at the sun as it went down and eat the prey the cubs had caught. it was a fun time. it was also choosing day. " he answered pushing the rabbit over to splash and mist with his one of massive paws.
    "no, i didnt. do u miss it?" splash answers carefully.
    "sometimes. but when youve lived on your own for so long you learn to not dwell on the past." he replies evenly, leaving the den and laying down by the members den.

  92. (oh and btw, coldsun is what he calls leafbare.)

  93. Hooliva looked up too. She sighed slightly. "Owls don't have many celebrations, we live alone so it's hard." She shrugged and picked up some fresh kill. "I'm going to hunt some more." She flew back out.

  94. "thats the only one jaguars ever have as far as i know... thats why its so big and important." he mutters laying his head down.
    Jovanni falls asleep and when the sun sets he gets up telling aries hes going night hunting. When he gets out of camp he gets out of everyones range f hearing and looks up just as the sun dips below the horizon and he roars, his long jaguar roar as loud as he can and a couple of sleeping crows take off giving startled cries as they flew. Lovanni kept roaring long after the sun set and when he stopped he laid down on his back and looked at the stars remembering his first coldsun gathering and smiled slightly as he remembered how the adults and cubs had stared at him, who had 3 crows, 2 rabbits, and 4 mice in his jaws and on his back.

  95. (ok. instead of that random "f" i meant of. and instead of lovanni i meant Jovanni. and by "who had....." i mean he had blablabla. holy cow.. im a FAIL at typing sometimes!! lol)

  96. Back at camp, Mist's pups where leaving their den for the first time.
    "I'll race you to the prey-pile!" Misty squealed excitedly. Moon, Mysyery, Fog, and Willow came charging after her.
    "Wait!" Mist barked after her kits. "Don't..." she sighed. "Too late."
    Her pups crashed right into the komodo dragon. Dwatch dwhere ur doing!" He hissed.
    They ran away squealing with terror. "I'm dorry!" he called after them. "I didn't dean do drighten dem!"
    "It's fine!" Mist told him. "It's their own fault for charging out here."
    The creatlures who where in the cove gathered around to see the pups.
    "Hi, Alaqua!" the pups reconized the winged wolf at the edge of the camp. They all charged over to where she was sitting.
    "Hello, pups." She greeted them.
    "Who is that?" Willow asked, nodding at Jovanni as he padded back into camp.
    "That's Jovanni." Alaqua told them. "He's a jaguar."
    "He's scary looking!" Moon squealed.
    "Don't be rude!" Alaqua scolded.
    Splash walked over.
    "Who's that?" Mystery asked, nodding at Splash.
    "I'm Splash," she told them. "You look like Mist!" Fog squealed excitedly.
    "That's because im a wolf, like you and Mist." she barked.
    "Cool!" Misty barked.
    Skystar padded out of her den.
    "Welcome to Mist Cove, pups." She mewed.
    "Who are you??" Fog asked, tipping her head to one side.
    "I'm Skystar, leader of Misty Cove."
    "Wow!" Mystery said, looking up at Skystar in awe.
    "Cool!" Misty added.

  97. Jovanni slumped down and everyone basically kept clear of him as usual. He snorted and laid his head on his paws as he fell asleep.

    Later, jovanni, splash, and crystal went on a hunting patrol. He wasnt himself today, he ran headfirst into a tree while chasing a rabbit but he ends up with a crow and a coupl mice.

  98. "Are you okay, jovanni?" Splash asked him when the returned from the patrol.
    "I'm fine!" he snapped.
    "I could go get you some herbs from alaqua," She suggested. "You hit you're head pretty hard," she added, trying to hold back laughter at the memory.
    "I said, I'm fine!!!!!" jovanni hissed back. "Leave me alone!!"

  99. Misty Cove is turning into a pack of wolves...


  100. Just then, Mist's pups bounded up to them.
    "Hi!!"Fog said excitedly. "What's going on? Are you going to go hunting? Can we come too?? Please? Please?" all the othre pups chimed in."Please??" "Please!!"
    "We never said we were going hunting, pups." She barked gently.
    "Oh, yeh." Mystery sighed.
    "Jovanni, are you sure you're okay?" She asked, turning away from the pups.
    "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" jovanni roared. he stalked away to his den. His head was hurting, but he wasn't about to admit that to Splash.
    "What's wrong with him?" he heard Mystery ask Splash indignatly.
    "Nothing, pup." Splash soothed. "Why don't you go find you're mothr?"

  101. (haha yea) He let loose another growl that rumbled from his chest out of his mouth and the pups jumped back. He didnt regret it either. Jovanni didnt know WHAT was wrong with him. He was homesick, was what he thought anyway. last night hadnt helped it at all. He didnt want the others to know. he woouldnt let them know either. He laid down with his back to the entrance and put his front paws on his head. he did not want to hear anybody else say anything else. everything else passed by quickly. he fell asleep and felt numb to everything that happened after that. splash had come to talk to him abut scaring the pups and he just nodded without comprehending anything she was saying.

  102. (Yes everyone's a wolf, create a diffrent animal. How often could you otherwise?)
    Hooliva sat down by the fresh kill. It seemed she was always here or out hunting. The pups ran up to her. "I've never seen an animal like you before." Mystery said.
    "I'm an owl." she said.
    "Cool!" Fog said. "Will you let us hunt with you? No one else has."
    "I wasn't going to hunt right now. It's all I ever do!" she saw she had upset the pups. "Sorry." she lowered her voice. "Maybe I'll teach you some things about hunting later."
    She knew they were a little young for it but what could be the harm?

  103. Splash walked over to Hollivia.
    "Hi. I'm Splash. What's your name?"

  104. (Sorry I haven't been on but Hiii!!!!)
    Crystal lay in a sunny spot in camp, listening to the sounds of life.
    - Crystal

  105. kuma jumped outta the pool and shook out her fur. she inhaled sharply as a little wolf pup randomly popped out of nowhere.
    "hi. do i know you?" the pup asked.
    kuma was as frozen as ice.
    then she heard a mother wolf say, "Fog, where are you?"
    kuma had a heartbeat to change into a shadow, which she did. the mother wolf saw the pup. "that's where you are."
    then she looked up and glanced around, her fur bristling.

  106. Jovanni laid down not far from the entrance and laid his throbbing head down on his paws. He hoped it would end soon. If not, he didnt know what he'd do. he had heard the pups say he was scary looking and the growl he gave them the day before gave it enough to make them stay away from him. not completely leave him alone though. he had caught them several times looking at him and when they noticed him looking back at them they had quickly ran off. Didnt bother him. Anyway he twitched an ear and shifted his head a little bit.

  107. "Hi Splash. I'm Hooliva, but you can call me Hoot."

  108. Crystal groomed herself and looked around camp.
    It was rather big then she's used too. Her mother ubused her and put her in small spaces as punishment. But it was nice. Jovanni was near the enterence.
    'He looks like he needs a friend right now,' she thought.
    She finished grooming her spotted paws and went to join him.
    "Hi," she said. "Is there anything bothering you Jovanni?"

    - Crystal

  109. "What?" he askes looking up and looking as if he had just now noticed there were other animals here. (like i said he felt numb to everything else. heh. i put that while listening to the song numb. lol)
    "oh. yeah. probably nothing you could help with." he continues, sitting up.

  110. "Maybe not but, I want to help," Crystal said.
    She curled her tail around her paws.
    "Just anything you need to get off your chest?"
    - Crystal

  111. Jovanni shrugged almost helplessly.
    "theres nothing. i ran into a tree while hunting cuz i wasnt payin attention. Head hurts thats all." he answers laying back down.

  112. Crystal streached so her claws where touching his paws. Then but her head down on her paws. He blue eyes looked into his brown eyes.
    "Something is bothering you and I'm not going to stop until I fine out what's bothering my friend," she said stubbernly.
    Jovanni chuckled. "You don't give up do you?"
    - Crystal

  113. Mystery sat by the camp enterance,alone. Wing was
    his crush. She delicately trotted to the patch of lichen where Mystery was.
    "Hi Mystery. Are you busy?" Wing asked.
    "No,why?" he replied.
    "I guess I need someone to talk to." Wing barked
    "It's cold,isn't it?"
    "Here." Mystery said,curling his long,thick black tail around her.
    Wing and Mystery pressed themselves closer to eachother.
    Maybe we're becoming more than friends? Mystery thought,hopefully.

    Mist (I'll play my pups.)

  114. (guys will someone fill me in on what happen while i was gone????)*Sits outside her den lonely but doesnt show it**she glares at her wings tht havent been used in a long time* it ur fault,, she growls quietly, still blaming them for her exile

  115. "my problems are the same as everybody elses. we're all homesick. i missed the only celebration we had yesterday. ill be fine later. but if your concerned about me THAT much, ill go see alaqua." he answers standing up and trotting over to the winged shewolf.
    "hey. i hit my head and it hurts. alot."
    (nothing really big happened. but if you read the comments you'll understand it better than if i explain it. im horrible at explaining. :/)

  116. Wing blushed and said to herself 'This would be a lot harder without the invible spell for my wings,' and blushed.
    Misty padded over. "Hey Love-birds!"
    - Wing

  117. Jovanni shok his pelt as he left alaquas den and he sat back down in his usual spot by the entrance and let out a bark of laughter.

    "glad im not the only one gettin teased!" he laughed getting back up and trotting over.
    He ignored mysterys protests.

    "anyway, mystery im takin you out of camp for a hunting patrol. wing can come if she wants." he continued walkin to the entrance.

  118. "Yeah!!!" Wing almost shouted. "Of course I want to come!" Especially if Mystery is going, she thought to herself.
    "Come on then." Jovanni told them. They ran excitedly after him as he padded out of camp.
    "Where are you going, Mstery?" Mist caled from the other side of camp.
    "I'm going hunting!!!" he ran over to his mother's side. "Jovanni is taking me and wing out into the forest!"
    Mist sighed. "Just don't tell your sisters. They would kill you if they knew."
    "Okay, Mist," Mystery raced back over to where Jovanni and wing were waiting.
    "Let's go!!!"

  119. *Alaqua watched them go, she was decent at hunting, but was too shy too ask if she cud go 2* i guess ill just go find some herbs or something*she felt even lonelyer than ever, seeing everyone finding animals that they loved, she smiled at bit, glad everyone else was happy

  120. Jovanni shook his head and laughed a little.

    "dont be so loud or you'll scare all the prey away." he chuckled as he trotted to his favorite hunting ground.

    -3 mice, 4 crows, and 2 rabbits total later!! lol-

    Jovanni, wing and mystery came back into camp and laid their prey on the pile. Jovanni had caught most of it but the other 2 had caught some too.

    "alright go back to whatever you 2 were doin." he said bumping into mystery a little and trotting off.

  121. *Alaqua smiles and waves her tail in greeting*

  122. kuma shook out her fur releived. the pup hdnt told it's mother about seeing her. suddenly a winged wolf crashed through the trees, and froze, surprised.
    kuma snarled.


  123. *ALaquas eyes open wide* wh-who are you?

  124. Jovanni sniffed the air and snarled coming out of camp and seeing kuma he growls even louder.
    "who r u and what do u want." he snarls

  125. Wing's wings (LOL) where getting really sore.
    "I'll be back in a while ok?" she told Mystery.
    "Alright," he brushed his fur past her's as he left.
    'That was fast =^.^=' she thought.
    She ran to a little pond to get her wings wet and slowly they became visable again.
    Wing practiced her flying.
    - Wing

  126. "don't mess with me, jovanni, you don't know what you're up against. just- just all of you stay away from me!!!" snarls kuma.
    jovanni pounces, and she dissappears. she reappears behind him, grabs his tail, and thrashes it. he whips around, and she turns into a shadow,


  127. Jovanni snarled again.
    "who are you and what do you want?!" he roared losing his patience.

  128. (i meant to end that with a period, not a coma.)


  129. *Alaqua approachs Kuma* Hello, im alaqua. are you ok?

  130. kuma reappears in a tree behind jovanni and the others.
    "why should i tell you? i can't trust you. and you won't give me a chance after i tell you. i told you not to fight me and you did. so why should i listen to you?" he whips around angrily.


  131. (i was talking to jovanni)

  132. (its a he? )i- im sorry, if Jovanni offended you, b-but you do look hungry, if you need some food, im sure skystar would understand if we shared our food with u8she barks quietly

  133. "Your the one who challenged me!!!" he snarls whipping his tail sending blood over her.
    "i wouldnt have if you wouldve just told me in the first place!! now i WONT give you a chance! i cant trust you."

  134. (yeah jovannis a he. you didnt know tht??? or are you talkin bout kuma?)

  135. Kuma ran off into the woodsd.
    "Wait!!" Alaquacalled after her. "Come back!!!"
    Kuma turned around. "Go away!" she snarled.
    "Come bak with us!" Alaqua pleaded. "I understand why you don't want to. I stayed away at first. But then I started talking with the others, and now i have a bunch of new friends!!! You need to come back with us."
    "Why should I?" kuma growled. "No one likes a shadow wolf."
    "Well, look at me!" Alaqua exlaimed. "I have wings on my back! What wolf has wings!? Misty Cove is a place where you can meet other animals. You can make new friends. Please come with us!!"
    Kuma didn't answer.
    Suddenly wing emerged from behind a tree.
    "What Alaqua says is true. I never had any friends before Misty Cove." Alaqua gasped. "You, too? I have never met another winged wolf."
    Too late, Wing remebered the spell she forgot to cast.
    "See, Kuma, you might even meet another shadow wolf here." Wing said, ignoring Alaqua for the moment. "Coem with us, Kuma. You an have a new life."

  136. *Alaqua flattens her ears.and narrows her eyes.**then smiles at kuma* please.

  137. Kuma hesitated.
    Wing understood the feeling.
    Even though she was three moons old she had the experence of a grow wolf.
    She even knew a shadow wolf. She say one on her journey here. Wing remembered the timber wolf with red markings in his fur clearly.
    "Please, I'll help you," Alaqua murmured.
    - Wing

  138. *pads up to kuma* Even if you dont join, can we still be friends?* she barks thinking of how lonely she was when she roamed the mountains alone*

  139. "i'll TRY IT OUT. i'm the last of my kind, and i don't want to waste my life in a place that will do me no good." she narrowed her eyes at jovanni pointedly.

    (wing, i'm the last shadow wolf. :) but i guess the other one coulda died or something. i dunno.)

  140. (wait scratch my last comment. srry about that.)


  141. Wing looked at her paws.
    "Kuma, you might not be the very last," Wing said.
    Kuma looked at her shocked. "What do you mean?"
    "I-I used to know one."
    - Wing

  142. "Well," kuma said. "Where does he live?"
    "really far away." Wing sighed. "But at least now you know there are more. And who knows?? he might come to Mist Cove."
    "Remember, I might not stay." kuma told the little wolf.
    "But you are coming!!! Wing boundced up to Kuma. "Yay!!!!!! I can't wait to tell Mystery!!"
    Alaqua flashed her a knowing look. "And Fog, and Mist, and willow,and moon." she mumbled, fur burning.

  143. Jovanni snarls and stalks off into the trees.
    (lol its so short!)

  144. "wow. He has a short temper." Kuma muttered
    "Yeah." Wing agreed. "but he can be really nice and fun sometimes!"

  145. kuma glares at jovanni as he walks away.
    "let's just go." she mutters.


  146. "Oh yah them too," Wing blushed.
    She still had a big crush on Mystery. Did he fell the same way?
    Wing streached out her wings and took to the skies.
    'Whould Mystery be scared of her now?' she thought.
    Wing hoped not.
    - Wing

  147. Wing flew off toward Misty Cove. Sa she neared the entrance, SH elanded and murmered the spell that made her wings invisible.
    "Mystery!" SHe hohwled as she raced into the camp. "Guess what!!!"
    "what?" mystery asked, eyes gleaming.
    "There's a new wolf!! She's a shadow wolf and she has green fur and can turn into a shadow!!! She 's coming right now!!!!!!!!" Wing was so excited.
    "Where is she?" Mystery asked.
    Just then, Alaqua walked in, with Kuma following.
    "That's her!!!" Wing squealled. She raced over to greet them, Mystry right behind her.

  148. Jovanni growls deep in his throat as he leaps up into a tree and hollows it out. it was about sunset when he finished and his paws ached. He wasnt going back into camp for a while. He laid down with his head on his paws and curled his tail around himself. The only home he had had since he was run off of his was being overrun with the animal he hates. Tomorrow he was going to find some spanish moss to conceal his new nest. Soon he was asleep.

  149. Crystal tracked down Jovanni's scent.
    "Jovanni?" she called.
    She roared and again no answer.
    She found him sleeping near and hollow tree.
    'He needs me and now I kinda think he needs me,' she thought.
    She sat beside him, eyes closed.
    - Crystal

  150. Back @ the camp:

    "Hello, wing." Kuma greeted the little wolf. "Where are your...." she trailed off, sudenly understanding that this was wings secret.
    "This is Mystery." she told Kuma, blinking at her gratefully. She sure didn't need Mystery knowing about her deepest secret.
    "hllo, Mystery!" kuma barked.
    "Hi" Mystery barked politely.
    suddenly, Fog, Misty, Willow, and Moon came running over.
    "Where have you two been?" Fog demanded.
    "I was out in the woods..." Wing stopped. the four older pups were completly ignoring her now
    "Who are you?" Misty asked Kuma. "I've never see you before."
    "I'm Kuma. I just joined Misty Cove." She explained.
    "Cool!" Willow barked.

  151. suddenly kuma realized what she said. "i mean, i haven't joined. i'm just.. visiting."


  152. "Ohh." Willow sounded dissapointed. "You should stay forever!!!" she barked. "Misty Cove is awesome!!"

    (PS sorry kuma)

  153. -Okay guys!! My very first post here from the weekend!!!!!! Brace yourself!! It'll be somewhat long!!-

    Kuma glanced around warily. She disliked having all this attention. Shadow wolves were loners and lived in quiet and peace. All these pups were here scampering over her.

    Mystery leaned into Wing and Wing felt his breath on her muzzle. She barked happily... her heart was pumping.
    'He actually likes me! Oh boy oh boy oh boy!' She thought as she responded affectionately.

    Jovanni sat crossly in the tree and saw Crystal nearby. She was snoozing.
    'She must have sat with me... how nice of her!' He thought. He actually thought she was a very nice leopard... VERY nice. He leaned in to find her eyes open. He jumped.
    "C..rystal?" He asked.
    Crystal yawned. "I've been awake for some time." A low purr rumbled deep inside her throat. "I just needed a rest from Misty Cove and the new shadow wolf. i...saw you and wanted to sit next to you."
    She shyly glanced around.

    Falico sauntered around to look at the new shadow wolf.
    'Interesting creature...' She thought. 'Mystical powers.... hm... she might just be a good friend!' She thought and walked over.
    "Hi there! I've heard you're name is Kuma the shadow wolf. I'm Falico... a fox as you can see."
    Kuma glanced at her, interest at her ears. She saw the pups back off though.
    "Look... the pups might not like me because i was a bit mean to their mom before you came, okay? But I'm nice now. Let's take a walk into the woods."
    Kuma shrugged but followed her, glad to get away from the squeals of the pups.

  154. Mystery and Wing layed on their backs in a patch of lichen,talking.
    "Do you want to hunt?" Wing asked.
    "Sure. I guess we can- wait,wait I hear something. Follow me." Mystery barked.
    They darted through the forest,dodging trees, rocks and anything else.
    A small ball of reddish for sat on the ice, shivering.
    "It's a fox pup. Hurry and lick it. It needs to be warm." Wing barked.
    Mystery licked the fox vigorously. "What should we name it? It's a boy." he asked,wrapping his tail around it.
    "I like Blaze." Wing said.
    They picked Blaze up and carried him back to camp.


  155. "What do you have there?" Mist asked when they ygot back to camp. They put Blaze down.
    "This is Blaze. We found him out in the forest!!" Mystery told his mother. "He was all alone and cold. We rescued him!" Wing added.
    "Go get Alaqua!" Mist barked. "He's injured!!"
    "Alaqua! Alaqua!!" Mystery ran over to Alaqua's den. "Alqua! Come here! We need help!"
    "What''s going on?" Alaqua emerged from her den.

    "We found a fox pup!" Mystery told her proudly. "But Mist says he's hurt."
    "Oh, no!!!" Alaqua grabed some herbs from her den and raced over to where Blaze was laying.
    "Lick his fur the wrong way." Alaqua commanded. "He needs to be kept warm."
    Mist leaned down and started licking the little fox.
    "Someone go find Falico," Alaqua added.
    "I will," Aries said. He flew off into the forest.
    "Oh, no!!" Mist exclaimed. "Look!" Sh epointed her muzzle toward the little fox's tail. He was missing a big piece of it. Alaqua started chewing up herbs and spit them onto Blaze's tail. He let a little whimper.
    "Okay," Alaqua sighed. "Bring him to my den."
    The animals picked up Blaze and carried him into Alaqua's den.
    Just then Aries returned with Falico.
    "Falico," Alaqua called.
    "Yes?" Falico approached the medicine den slowly.
    "Fallico, there's a little fox pup in there who needs a mother. Are you willing to be that mother?" Alaqua asked her.
    "Oh!!" For a moment Falico was completely stunned. "Well, of course! I couldn't let him be raised by wolves, could I?"
    She stalked inside Alaqua's den. Her eyes softened when she saw him.
    "What's his name?" she asked.
    "Blaze. They found him out in the woods, covered in scratch marks. Part of his tail is missing, and he was almost frozen."
    "Poor thing!" Falico curled herself around the little scrap of fur and began to wash him.
    'Maybe this is what she needs to help her settle in' Alaqua thought.

  156. Jovanni shrugged and laid back down with his head on his paws. He still wasnt used to talking to her. Suddenly out of nowhere his stomach rumbled and they both jumped up and stood there for a second. Then Jovanni burst out laughing, crystal laughing a second later.

    "that was unexpected." he said, still laughing as he jumped down from the tree to go hunting.

  157. Hooliva watched everyone go about their buissness. She felt left out but she had something else to worry about. "I'm going hunting."
    Hooliva flew out to a hole in the ground, she was about to look in when she heard Jovanni. She jumped out near him. "Hi Jovanni!" she said happily.
    "Hi. What are you doing here? I'm trying to hunt."
    "Sorry, but I'm already hunting here."
    Jovanni shrugged and walked off. She went back to the hole. It was actauly a nest. 'I can't let anyone know I have owlets.' she thought, taking out one of the eggs. 'Their father was so weird. And they probably will be too. But I can't leave them here.' She put the egg back. "I'll come back." She flew away and caught a mouse then flew back to camp.
    "I've got some prey for Blaze." she said. "Unless he's too young for meat."

  158. Jovanni chasesd after a rabbit and soon he had 3 rabbits and 2 crows. He brought them back to the tree and laid down by crystal to eat as his stomach rumbled again.

  159. Misty,Moon,Willow and Fog walked around the forest for large prey.
    The four sisters crouched down immeadeatly when they saw an elk. They nimbly stalked it,and attacked.
    They all bit at it's neck fiercely,and it dropped to the ground.
    "Guys,how are we going to carry this home?" Moon
    "I'll get one front leg. Misty will get the other. Moon will get one hind leg,and Fog will get the other one." Willow barked.
    The sisters picked up the legs,and carried it to Misty Cove.


  160. Jovanni finished eating and fell asleep and while he was asleep his paw shifted and it touched crystals. She looked at him and he snored slightly.

  161. Just then, the four wolf pups walked by dragging their elk.
    "Woah!" Jovanni said. "That's a realy big elk!!"
    "Look what we caught, Jovanni!" the four pups seemed to have gotten over their fear of Jovanni.
    "Good job!" Jovanni praised the little wolves."Do you need some help carrying that back?"
    "No!" Fog said quickly. "We want to take it back to camp all by ourselves!!!"
    "Okay." Jovanni went back ot his nap

  162. Alaqua gently padded out of the medicine den,but came to a grinding halt.
    "How on earth did you get that here?" Alaqua spl-
    "A lot of work. And tripping." Fog replied.
    "It's huge! It'll feed everyone for a good 4 days!" Splash barked as she approached them. "Mist,Alaqua,and I are going to get herbs. Do any of you want to come?"
    "I will." Misty said. "Let's go."


  163. Jovanni woke silently. He saw his paw over Crystal's and was about to remove it when he saw she was sleeping peacefully next to him. He took this chance to study her. She was a beautiful leopard, he had to admit... with such a great personality. Although they were different creatures, they were still alike in many terms. He instinctively leaned forward and licked her between the ears.
    That woke her up. She jumped up and they both looked at each other in an awkward moment. Then, Crystal stood up and yawned. She padded awfully close to Jovanni and started grooming him by licking his back and chest. He purred in delight. Was he starting to think of Crystal as more than a friend?

  164. He shrugged it off and smiled at her until he scented rabbit.
    "i'll be right back!" he said taking off after it.
    He didnt know that humans had just set up a perimeter of fencing around misty cove territory. The rabbit he was chasing leaped through a small hole while he ran headlong through it. Barbed wire pierced itself through his fur and it wound itself around one of his forelegs and it got caught on his chest and muzzle. He let out an enormous roar of agony that could be heard clearly in camp as he rolled and thrashed trying to free himself. Soon he realized that he was only making it worse so he eventually stopped although he bit and tore at it. It seemed that every move he made the wire would only dig itself deeper into his muscle and body. Every time he moved he roared again. Crystal was there in moments but she could only stand there because he wouldnt let her get any closer.

    "i swear i cant go anywhere without those stupid humans!!!" he snarled as he got some of the wire off his muzzle.

  165. *Alaqua follows the others, enjoying the fresh morning breeze. the tips of the feathers on her wings, rustled in the wind

  166. "Go get help." Jovanni snarled to Crystal.
    Crystal ran into the forest, and she bumped into Mist, Splash and Alaqua as they gathered herbs.
    "Alaqua!" Crystal panted.
    "What's wrong!!??" Alaqua barked.
    "Jovanni's stuck! Follow me!" Crystal raced back to where Jovanni was stuck, the three wolves right behind her.
    "Oh, no!" Splash yelped when they saw Jovanni.
    "Crystal, I said go get help! Not all of Misty Cove!" Jovanni sighed.
    "Okay, Jovanni, this will hurt." Alaqua leaned down and started pulling at all the pieces of wire stuck in his coat.
    "OWW!!" Jovanni roared again. Alaqua spit out little pieces of wire.
    "Mist," she said, "Could you go back to my den? I need some marigold. You know which one that is, right?"
    Mist raced back to the camp and Alaqua got back to work.

  167. Jovanni roared again returning back to his first tactic:thrashing and eccentially making it worse.

    "JOVANNI!!!!! your just making it worse!" crystal cried, lifting a paw to get closer.

    "then go get alaqua or splash or SOMEONE to help me get this stuff off!!!" he roars, blood dripping off his muzzle and dripping in a current from his chest and leg. "dont try it by yourself! you'll only get tangled too."

  168. *Alaqua pulls the wire away as gently as she can but Jovanni winces in pain a lil* sorry!

  169. "Jovanni hang on!"
    Crystal knew that Picesece could help.
    - Crystal

  170. (forget the last one) Jovanni roared in agony as alaqua pulled at the wire and when she made it to the one at his chest he roared even louder because this one was stuck deep in bone.

    "ENOUGH!!! its not working!!!" he roars having had enough of the intense pain of her tugging.

    "then what do you think will work?!" alaqua says.

    "anything but tugging at it!! its bad enough without that!!" he continues snarling.

  171. Wing took off.
    She needed to streach her wings out every once in a while.
    She began to think, 'Where would Arrow be? Would he even still be alive?'
    She also wondered if she should tell Mystery about her wings. Should she?

  172. "Well, Jovanni, you're stuck out here until we get you un-stuck!" Alaqua sighed. "Any ideas on how to get him out??"

  173. Jovanni snarled and every move he made sent a fresh wave of agony and blood pouring from his chest. the grass around him was now either torn and bloody or ripped out of the ground and bloody.

    "any ideas at all would be helpful." he snarled.

  174. Crystal ran back to where Jovanni was with Picesece.
    The Half lion half tiger grunted in ammusment.
    - Crystal

  175. SHU UP!!! Jovanni roared at Picesese

  176. "i know what to do!" Alaqua growls suddenly gettin irritated at all the whineing *she grabs the wire, gives it a yank, pulling it out but blood pours outta the wound but she quickly replaces it with soft meadow grasses tht stop the flow* there. *she barks, satisfied with herself

  177. Crystal rused up to shower Jovanni with licks XD
    - Crystal

  178. Okay, ummmmm....... so, can I join? if I can, then my name is Athena, and i'm an owl.


  179. "Okay, Jovanni. Do you think you can make it back to camp?" Alaqua asked.
    "Of course!" Jovanni snarled. but he wasn't so sure.
    He slowly got to his feet. Crystal pressed herself up against him.
    "You can lean on me." She whispered in his ear. He nodded his thanks, unable to speak. She was so beautiful....

  180. Jovanni took one look at the beast and instantly began thrashing around again. Whatever that thing was he was NOT about to let it rip at his chest.

    "JOVANNI!!!!!" every one yelled jumping back.

    "WHAT?! that thing whatever it is, is just going to rip it out!!!" he roared, finally stopping the thrashing and now there was a clearly visible cut, going from his right shoulder to his left foreleg.

    "what other choice do we have?! your going to kill yourself if you keep thrashing like that!" alaqua howled.

    "i dont know. fine, get it over with!!!" he snarls diging his claws deep into the earth.

  181. 8Alaqua felt a prickle along her spine, tht put her on edge so she paces back and forth, the odd feeling had been there for awhile now, it was making her more irritable and alert*

  182. and athena/spottedfire, u can join on the Creatures of Misty Cove page. Then just jump right in.

  183. 9she already pulled it out Jovanni....)

  184. (holy cow you post alot!!!!!) With every step jovanni snarls under his breath but they make it back to camp and he flumps down in his usual spot exhausted.

  185. (lol)*Alaqua* sorry it was so painful, but it had to be done *the odd prickleing runs up her back and she growls to herself*

  186. "What happened?" Skystar emerged from the Medicine Den where Blaze and Falico were.
    "Jovanni got caught in a Twoleg thing!!" Crystal exclaimed. She lay down next to him and started grooming him

  187. He growls deep in his throat.

    "i bet you are." he says with an edge as he lays his head on his paws grunting as his chest wound stretches.

  188. im goin to my den. bye .*Alquas tail swishs iritatedly at the prickling. it was drivin her crazzy*

  189. (forget the last one....... again....) He snorts.

    "its called wire. it has barbs all over it that are like thorns. deer get stuck in it all the time and two legs or humans set them loose. but they eventually shoot them down later on." he says flatly with his eyes closed.

  190. *Alaqua paces he den angrily when the odd feeling got stronger a small green dragon appeared outta the shadow*AHH! who are you?!? *Alaqua gasp, the dragon was making her have this feeling*i am Wisp, an earth dragon. the dragon saidd in her mind *Alaquas eyes grow big*

  191. Mist came into the medicine den to check on Jovanni. She placed a dripping poltice on a wound.
    "Here. This will numb and clean the cut." She barked.
    "What's that? It looks helpful." Alaqua said.
    "It's a mint poltice,drenched in river water. My mother taught me how to make it when I was a pup." Mist replied.
    "Do you mind me using thatidea for that sort of wound?" Alaqua asked.
    "Not at all. But if it's really painful,like this one,put a cobweb over the poltice." Mist barked.
    "Okay. Thank you Mist!" Alaqua barked,placing the concoctionon each cut.


  192. ok thanks! *her mind was still on the dragon who had gone back into the shadows oh her den, onece mist had left she went over to wisp* aww its just a baby *she coos* SHE!! *the dragon yelled in her mind * NOT IT!! SHE!!

  193. "Whats going on?" Splash walked over to where Alaqua and Whisp were. "What is THAT!!!" Splash asked.
    *SHE!!!!! NOT THAT!!! SHE!!!!* the dragon said in her mind.
    "AHHH!!" Splash ran into the Medicine den.
    "Wait!!" Alaqua called after her. "SPLASH!! Come back!" Alaqua ran into the med den. "It's okay! Whisp won't hurt u!!"

  194. Jovanni winced as the cold poultice touched his wounds but after a couple minutes he felt better. Soon he fell asleep, Crystal continueing (? i dont thin i spelled that right) to groom him.
